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The Next Great Bead Contest

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A few months ago I noticed a facebook post from John Bead Corp Inc. about a Creative contest they were having to design a new bead. 

This would be a first for Canada’s Largest Bead Wholesale Company, to have their very own bead. 

I read it.. absorbed it and sort of went Meh!…I really don’t know anything about designing a bead.

I walked away from the computer.

It sort of bothered me for weeks.  Nagged away at me a little. Then suddenly my voice of reason (usually my husband) said what do you have to lose Lena?

And really what did I have to lose…not a darn thing.

So I sat with my sketchbook doodling ideas for the entire day…when I came across a pattern I sort of  liked.

I drew it out…loved the shape and then took to the internet to see if that shape existed anywhere in the great big World of bead shapes. While there were some similar…none stood out the way I knew this one would.

Being a crazy visual person I cut the shape much larger than it would be out of foam core and began to play with the pieces to see just how the pieces could come together…where the holes could be and the best way to fit the beads together.

I drew finished pieces in my sketchbook and was pleased with the design..simple but elegant.

I read the rules… Followed the instructions……took the photos …took a deep breath and hit SEND!. I had submitted all the photos and info they required. It was done. I took my chance!

A few months later I received an email asking me to come to the John Bead Corp Inc.  Head Office to meet with the VP and  their new Director of Marketing to discuss my vision for the bead I created.

Was I nervous?…surprisingly not at all…. I had faith in my simple but elegant bead design.

The Presentation went well and I left with a really good feeling.

On November 6th 2017  nearly 5 months after I had submitted my design, I received the email Congratulating me. John Bead Corp Inc. had chosen my design over the many entries and their Next Great Bead was picked!

I can’t even begin to explain the feeling or excitement I felt. I wanted to yell it from the roof tops.

Instead I messaged friends and family and once John Bead made it official I told the world on social Media

What’s next…the fun of course.

I get to see and follow the process of my design of a bead on paper coming to life and in a multitude of colors..

While I won a prize pack by finishing in first place which will include plenty of hard work and a bit of travel on my part, just knowing I have designed a bead  that will be used around the world by other fabulous Artisans and Designers to create works of beauty and adornment that will make your soul sing is …………..priceless.

Thank you John Bead Corp Inc.  for seeing and believing in my vision.